Art imitates life or life imitates art? (2016)

A werewolf.
A vampire.
A ghost. 
A witch.
A zombie.
All mythical beings frequently found in literature and cinema,
Inducing fear and/or awe for centuries.
Not human, but existing both in and parallel to the human world.
Not human, but intertwined with the human world.
Not human, but who truly is?
Do humans not embody the characteristics that we ascribe to them?
A secret double life that only reveals itself periodically, like the werewolf,
Concealing an "unsavory" nature until it escapes and causes harm, possibly as a result of being suppressed?
What about the parasitic nature of the vampire?
Seemingly predatory, but at closer glance a victim of helplessness and circumstance - merely trying to survive?
And the ghost - no longer living, yet not at rest
Clinging to what once was and unable to depart from it.
The witch? Misunderstood and feared, this master of resources and skill, the witch transforms reality into something they deem to be more acceptable.
And the zombie. 
Going through the motions. Shuffling along. Aimless yet purposeful. Mindless, yet focused. Unfeeling, yet consumed. Dead - yet alive. 
I know werewolves.
I've seen vampires. 
I know ghosts. 
I know witches. 
I am the zombie. 
They live in America and in Australia and in Kenya and in Paraguay and in Germany and in Pakistan and in Haiti.
They are Baby Boomers, Millenials, Gen Xers, and small children. 
They are male and female and agender and transgender and nonbinary.
They are wealthy and poor and middle class.
They are Christian and Jewish and Hindu and Muslim and atheist and pagan and Buddhist.
Their names are John and Mary and Thu and Wole and Zeinab and Tasha and Sanjay and Juan and Lisa. 
Their names are Morénike and whatever your name is also. 
We are the immortal, and the immortal are us.
Until we understand ourselves we will never be free. 

Photo credit: rebloggy dot com