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FYI/The backstory if you're interested (2024)

  I have been blogging since 2013. From 2013-2019,  Just Being Me…Who Needs “Normalcy,” Anyway? (this site,  which is my personal blog) was housed at  (initially hosted  on Blogger, which was formerly Blogspot; both were eventually acquired by Google). After 2019, I merged the blog with my personal website, which was, and republished most of the articles there. At the time, my purpose was to have all of my "stuff" in one place, which seemed like a good idea at the time.  (Fortunately, for me,  I decided to still maintain the original site, including most of its articles, as an archive/backup. This worked out in my favor ~five years later when I decided to resurrect it. ) So…you might be wondering what type of blogger I am. I know there are beauty bloggers/vloggers, mommy bloggers, social justice bloggers, etc. I don’t really think I fit into a particular category; I’m just a plain ol’ blogger. My blog isn’t particularly sophisticated in t

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